An update to Regain

Hullo! Sunie here with a small update to Regain.

I was unable to update the game for a while. Since this is a game jam entry, we weren't allowed to make changes to the game during the judging period, which makes total sense of course. Now that the judging period has ended however, I was able to push a small update to the game.

  • Added two small hints to guide the player to easily missable interactibles
  • Changed the tiles of the kitchen to make the dust more visible
  • Added some collision to tiles I overlooked before

I'm currently thinking about writing a Postmortem on the game. I wanna share the story of how the game came to be, the philosophy behind it and what I learned while making this game. It's gonna be a matter of sitting down for it and getting my thoughts in a row for it.

I'm also debating whether or not I wanna do a bigger update to the game. During the jam I got some very thoughtful feedback on how to expand on the game, plus I have some ideas of my own that I didn't implement out of fear of overscoping the project. If the interest in Regain keeps up, I'll definitely sit down for it. 

For now, I hope you enjoy the update. I'm humbled by the thoughtful messages I've gotten from you all, and I'm glad my first project has left such an impression on you all. 

Much love,


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May 24, 2024 28 MB
May 24, 2024

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